1:144 Scale
1:144 scale, one half inch equals 6 feet
1:24 Half Inch Scale
1:24 scale also known as half inch scale. One half inch equals...
1:48 Quarter Inch Scale
Quarter Inch Scale also known as 1:48. One quarter inch equals one...
Baskets, Crates, Trays & Trugs
1:12 Wooden Trays, trugs & baskets
Blankets - Crocheted, Knitted or Quilted
Handcrafted blankets - crocheted, knitted, quilted
A variety of items to add that extra little detail to your...
Floral arrangements
miniature floral arrangements 1:12 one inch scale
La Petite Belle Patterns
Pattern Only
Other MIniature Collectables
Not to scale miniatures
Peg Shelves
Wooden 4 peg shelf 2 1/2" L x 1 1/4" H x...
Ribbons & Trims
Ribbons, trims, lace and other fun items to decorate your mini creations.
Shadow Boxes and Houses
Kits or already assembled units to create those special vignettes for your...
Supplies & Tools
Various supplies and tools for your miniature needs, from flower and hat...
Unique miniature terrariums.
Wallpaper & More
Wallpaper, cardstock paper and other materials to cover walls and floor. Carpet...